Develop your programming skills by quickly creating and modding retro arcade games with Blocks and JavaScript in the MakeCode editor. The Hop Hop Ball game is related to android game, ball, bounce, ipad, iphone, mobile, obstacle, tap, touchscreen, traps. Hop hop n drop millsberry Hop Ball exciting ball game where you have to bounce the ball from the moving platforms. With Tiles Hop, you can play all kinds of music, from beautiful piano, guitar songs, rock and roll and EDM masterpieces. Tile jump will be your best EDM game to relax. You can also play Tiles Hop on Drop at Cool Math Games: 2048 meets Tetris!

Code 1- Go to Millsberry Acadmey and go to the gym. Once you reach the gym there are soccerballs. Click on the soccer ball and you get it.
Cheat 2- Go to the bottom of the page it say’s prize grab. Once you have clicked on it it says code. The Code is 0co0k51e. Code 3 If you don’t have one already make sure you open a bank account. Put as much money as possible into your account. You will earn interest on your money every day. As you collect the interest your bank account balance will grow and as you deposit more money you get more interest.
Those are all the codes I know of. But here is some advice for the games. And after that Some Username and Passwords.

Play Millsberry Hop And Drop Game Download

***Game(Points required for Trophy)[Category]
*GDA (500)[Civics] – try to trap the ball between your paddle and the planet so it ricochets back and forth. You can get a lot of points that way.
*Match Wanted (940)[Civics] – make large combinations. They are worth more points.
*Peabody Park Cleanup (2519)[Civics] – Run in straight lines around the edge of the board and then make one large X from the lower right to the upper left and from the lower left to the upper right. You can pick up most of the pieces that way.
*Peabody Park Half Pipe (4651)[Athletics] – ride back and forth until you are flying high and then do combination tricks like a backflip with a double kickflip.
*Sherman Homerun Derby (10000)[Athletics] – be patient and try to not move around in the batter’s box too much.
*Hide & Seek (500)[Intelligence] – Try to learn the names of the characters that are shown in the game and work in groups of 4. If your fist 4 are Lucky, Rabbit, Mrs. Seashore and Coach Danner keep repeating those names in order in your mind as you uncover the next tiles. When you find a match for one of those 4 (let’s say Mrs. Seashore) go back to the start and add another one to the list of 4 so now you’re looking for Lucky, Rabbit, Coach Danner and Rosie Ruiz. Concentrate on those 4 until you match one…etc.
*Countdown (3126)[Intelligence]- as you get to more complex equations do the math based on the last 2 digits for example) 29+44 just add the 9 adn the 4 and then look for an answer that ends in a 3. There will likely be only one answer that ends in that digit.
*Lucky’s Charmed Life (1250)[Intelligence]- try to run as fast as possible. You are faster than the kids and in most cases you can avoid them. Always collect ALL the bonus charms on every level for maximum points.
*Rope Race (785)[Athletics] – Use F11 to expand the window to Full Screen so you do not click off it and play on a large surface so you have lots of room to use your mouse.
*Wave Blaster (1201)[No category, prize of a Sylvie Sofa] – use the ‘double’ shooter to make maximum hits with a minimum of wasted shots. Shoot only when you need to shoot because wasted shots cost you points.
*Hop & Drop (450)[Athletics] – play on the hard level and keep practicing until you have memorized the proper routes for each level.
*Peanut Butter Toast Crunch Swirl (591)[No stats category, prize of Cereal (in addition to trophy)] – The game is entirely random. You can try dropping each piece from the same location but there is no guarantee that it will fall in the same location every time.
*Slap Shot Shootout (1800)[Athletics] – Choose better shooter and stay in one location shooting repeatedly at the same spot on the goal. I prefer shooting at the left side of the goal. Shoot repeatedly, do not stop for anything.
*Lucky Charms Sudoku (1000)[Intelligence] – Play the game repeately to get familar with the structure and stragegy. DO NOT use hints as they reduce your score.
*Peabody Park Fishing (No score given)[No category, prize of fish or other items pulled from the pond] – there is no trophy for this game. You can get fish (to eat), diamond necklaces, divers helmets, old teddy bears, and soggy boots from the pond.
*Snowboard Slalom (1500)[Athletics] – you need to have 100% health stats and 100% athletics stats to unlock Kelly (third character in the game). Once you have kelly do a double backflip for 160 points. That will help you get a score high enough for the trophy. NOTE: Controlling Kelly is difficult and does require some practice.
*Solver (443)[Intelligence] – Play often and you will see familiar patterns and sets of letters. The more you memorize the high your score can go.
*Sink the 3 (1586)[Athletics] – Play on a slow computer using Opera or Mozilla Firefox and play on the largest size possible to have your window at maximum size and make the green bar more visible.
*Archtery (No trophy)[Athletics] – Try to shoot balloons at higher heights because you earn more points.

Now that I have given you some advice on gaming now it’s time for some usernames and passwords.
User SUNSANDMAVS Pass. 1478963
User liamy24 User robi302
Pass Lililili Pass nairobi
User historyteacher Pass akilli
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