Apr 12th, 2015
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Empowering a creative and passionate community through innovation. This is an improved version of my Monstercat Visualizer web wallpaper. Using your own desktop background and windows theme color, this wallpaper uses custom audio processing to create an immersive audiovisual experience similar to the one created on Monstercat's YouTube videos.
- ;
- ; Many thanks for the audiolevel.dll plugin to dgrace
- Author=marcopixel
- Update=0
- ; ----------------------------------
- ; VARIABLES - For changing font, player, bar color and more.
- fontName=Bebas Neue Light
- bg=255,255,255,0
- Player=CAD
- ; ----------------------------------
- ; ----------------------------------
- [Background]
- W=675
- x=0
- SolidColor=#bg#
- ; ----------------------------------
- ; ----------------------------------
- [measureAudioRaw_Out]
- ; Documentation: http://rainmeter.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=18802
- Plugin=AudioLevel
- ;RMSAttack=0
- ;RMSGain=0.0
- ;PeakDecay=80
- FFTSize=2048
- FFTAttack=40
- Bands=39
- FreqMax=15000
- ; ----------------------------------
- ; MEASURES NowPlaying - Controls the MediaPlayer and outputs title, artist, cover and more.
- Measure=Plugin
- PlayerName=#Player#
- PlayerPath=
- Substitute=':'
- Measure=Plugin
- PlayerName=[mPlayer]
- Substitute=':'#Player#'
- [mCover]
- Plugin=NowPlaying.dll
- PlayerType=COVER
- Measure=Plugin
- PlayerName=[mPlayer]
- ; MEASURES Visualizer Bars - these output the values for the bars
- Measure=Plugin
- Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
- BandIdx=1
- [measureAudioOut_02]
- Plugin=AudioLevel
- Type=Band
- Measure=Plugin
- Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
- BandIdx=2
- [measureAudioOut_04]
- Plugin=AudioLevel
- Type=Band
- Measure=Plugin
- Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
- BandIdx=4
- [measureAudioOut_06]
- Plugin=AudioLevel
- Type=Band
- Measure=Plugin
- Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
- BandIdx=6
- [measureAudioOut_08]
- Plugin=AudioLevel
- Type=Band
- Measure=Plugin
- Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
- BandIdx=8
- [measureAudioOut_10]
- Plugin=AudioLevel
- Type=Band
- Measure=Plugin
- Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
- BandIdx=10
- [measureAudioOut_12]
- Plugin=AudioLevel
- Type=Band
- Measure=Plugin
- Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
- BandIdx=12
- [measureAudioOut_14]
- Plugin=AudioLevel
- Type=Band
- Measure=Plugin
- Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
- BandIdx=14
- [measureAudioOut_16]
- Plugin=AudioLevel
- Type=Band
- Measure=Plugin
- Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
- BandIdx=16
- [measureAudioOut_18]
- Plugin=AudioLevel
- Type=Band
- Measure=Plugin
- Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
- BandIdx=18
- [measureAudioOut_20]
- Plugin=AudioLevel
- Type=Band
- Measure=Plugin
- Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
- BandIdx=20
- [measureAudioOut_22]
- Plugin=AudioLevel
- Type=Band
- Measure=Plugin
- Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
- BandIdx=22
- [measureAudioOut_24]
- Plugin=AudioLevel
- Type=Band
- Measure=Plugin
- Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
- BandIdx=24
- [measureAudioOut_26]
- Plugin=AudioLevel
- Type=Band
- Measure=Plugin
- Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
- BandIdx=26
- [measureAudioOut_28]
- Plugin=AudioLevel
- Type=Band
- Measure=Plugin
- Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
- BandIdx=28
- [measureAudioOut_30]
- Plugin=AudioLevel
- Type=Band
- Measure=Plugin
- Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
- BandIdx=30
- [measureAudioOut_32]
- Plugin=AudioLevel
- Type=Band
- Measure=Plugin
- Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
- BandIdx=32
- [measureAudioOut_34]
- Plugin=AudioLevel
- Type=Band
- Measure=Plugin
- Parent=measureAudioRaw_Out
- BandIdx=34
- ; METERS - Stuff that gets drawn (like bars, cover, text)
- Meter=BAR
- MeasureName=measureAudioOut_01
- Y=0
- H=200
- [meter_bar02]
- Orientation=Vertical
- X=7R
- W=12
- BarColor=#BarColor#
- Meter=BAR
- MeasureName=measureAudioOut_03
- Y=0r
- H=200
- [meter_bar04]
- Orientation=Vertical
- X=7R
- W=12
- BarColor=#BarColor#
- Meter=BAR
- MeasureName=measureAudioOut_05
- Y=0r
- H=200
- [meter_bar06]
- Orientation=Vertical
- X=7R
- W=12
- BarColor=#BarColor#
- Meter=BAR
- MeasureName=measureAudioOut_07
- Y=0r
- H=200
- [meter_bar08]
- Orientation=Vertical
- X=7R
- W=12
- BarColor=#BarColor#
- Meter=BAR
- MeasureName=measureAudioOut_09
- Y=0r
- H=200
- [meter_bar10]
- Orientation=Vertical
- X=7R
- W=12
- BarColor=#BarColor#
- Meter=BAR
- MeasureName=measureAudioOut_11
- Y=0r
- H=200
- [meter_bar12]
- Orientation=Vertical
- X=7R
- W=12
- BarColor=#BarColor#
- Meter=BAR
- MeasureName=measureAudioOut_13
- Y=0r
- H=200
- [meter_bar14]
- Orientation=Vertical
- X=7R
- W=12
- BarColor=#BarColor#
- Meter=BAR
- MeasureName=measureAudioOut_15
- Y=0r
- H=200
- [meter_bar16]
- Orientation=Vertical
- X=7R
- W=12
- BarColor=#BarColor#
- Meter=BAR
- MeasureName=measureAudioOut_17
- Y=0r
- H=200
- [meter_bar18]
- Orientation=Vertical
- X=7R
- W=12
- BarColor=#BarColor#
- Meter=BAR
- MeasureName=measureAudioOut_19
- Y=0r
- H=200
- [meter_bar20]
- Orientation=Vertical
- X=7R
- W=12
- BarColor=#BarColor#
- Meter=BAR
- MeasureName=measureAudioOut_21
- Y=0r
- H=200
- [meter_bar22]
- Orientation=Vertical
- X=7R
- W=12
- BarColor=#BarColor#
- Meter=BAR
- MeasureName=measureAudioOut_23
- Y=0r
- H=200
- [meter_bar24]
- Orientation=Vertical
- X=7R
- W=12
- BarColor=#BarColor#
- Meter=BAR
- MeasureName=measureAudioOut_25
- Y=0r
- H=200
- [meter_bar26]
- Orientation=Vertical
- X=7R
- W=12
- BarColor=#BarColor#
- Meter=BAR
- MeasureName=measureAudioOut_27
- Y=0r
- H=200
- AverageSize=0.1
- Meter=BAR
- MeasureName=measureAudioOut_28
- Y=0r
- H=200
- [meter_bar29]
- Orientation=Vertical
- X=7R
- W=12
- BarColor=#BarColor#
- Meter=BAR
- MeasureName=measureAudioOut_30
- Y=0r
- H=200
- [meter_bar30]
- Orientation=Vertical
- X=7R
- W=12
- BarColor=#BarColor#
- Meter=BAR
- MeasureName=measureAudioOut_31
- Y=0r
- H=200
- [meter_bar32]
- Orientation=Vertical
- X=7R
- W=12
- BarColor=#BarColor#
- Meter=BAR
- MeasureName=measureAudioOut_33
- Y=0r
- H=200
- [meter_bar34]
- Orientation=Vertical
- X=7R
- W=12
- BarColor=#BarColor#
- Meter=BAR
- MeasureName=measureAudioOut_35
- Y=0r
- H=200
- ; METERS NowPlaying
- Meter=Bar
- X=10
- W=659
- BarColor=#BarColor#
- BarOrientation=HORIZONTAL
- [AlbumArt]
- MeasureName=mCover
- Y=8R
- H=100
- ;SolidColor=0,0,0,75
- LeftMouseUpAction=!Execute [!RainmeterPluginBang 'mPlayer OpenPlayer']
- ;replacement
- ;Meter=String
- ;X=7R
- ;ClipString=1
- ;FontColor=255,255,255,255
- ;FontSize=34
- ;Meter=String
- ;X=4r
- ;ClipString=1
- ;FontColor=255,255,255,255
- ;FontSize=24
- Meter=String
- X=7R
- FontFace=Montserrat
- AntiAlias=1
- StringCase=UPPER
- FontEffectColor=0,0,0,0
- [Title]
- MeasureName=mPlayer
- Y=-10R
- FontColor=255,255,255,255
- FontSize=24
- StringEffect=Shadow
RAW Paste Data